Exposed functions and symbols


The authors of the module.


The version of the module.


The version of the RapidJSON library this module is built with.


The exact version of the RapidJSON library, as determined by git describe.

datetime_mode related constants


This is the default datetime_mode: neither date nor datetime nor time instances are recognized by dumps() and loads().


In this datetime_mode mode dumps() and loads() handle date, datetime and date instances representing those values using the ISO 8601 format.


This mode tells RapidJSON to serialize date, datetime and time as numeric timestamps: for the formers it is exactly the result of their timestamp() method, that is as the number of seconds passed since EPOCH; date instances are serialized as the corresponding datetime instance with all the time slots set to 0; time instances are serialized as the number of seconds since midnight.

Since this is obviously irreversible, this flag is usable only for dumps(): an error is raised when passed to loads().


This is usable in combination with DM_UNIX_TIME so that an integer representation is used, ignoring microseconds.


This can be used combined with DM_ISO8601 or DM_UNIX_TIME, to ignore the value’s timezones.


This can be used combined with DM_ISO8601 or DM_UNIX_TIME, to tell RapidJSON that the naïve values (that is, without an explicit timezone) are already in UTC timezone.


This can be used combined with DM_ISO8601 or DM_UNIX_TIME, to always shift values the UTC timezone.

uuid_mode related constants


This is the default uuid_mode: UUID instances are not recognized by dumps() and loads().


In this uuid_mode, loads() recognizes string values containing the xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx canonical representation as UUID instances; dumps() emits same kind of representation for UUID instances as a string value.


In this uuid_mode loads() recognizes string values containing exactly 32 hex digits or the xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx canonical representation as UUID instances; dumps() emits the 32 hex digits of UUID instances as a string value.

number_mode related constants


This is the default number_mode: numeric values can be as wide as the memory allows.


In this number_mode loads() will return floating point values as Decimal instances instead of float; dumps() will serialize Decimal instances like any other float number.


This enables non-numbers (i.e. nan, +inf and -inf) handling in both directions.


In this alternative number_mode numeric values must fit into the underlying C library limits, with a considerable speed benefit.

parse_mode related constants


This is the default parse_mode: with the exception of the NaN and Infinite recognition active by default, the parser is in strict mode.


In this parse_mode, the parser allows and ignores one-line // ... and multi-line /* ... */ comments


In this parse_mode, the parser allows and ignores trailing commas at the end of arrays and objects.

bytes_mode related constants


This disables the default handling mode (BM_UTF8) of bytes instances: they won’t be treated in any special way and will raise a TypeError exception when encountered. On the other hand, in this mode they can be managed by a default handler.


This is the default setting for bytes_mode: any bytes instance will be assumed to be an UTF-8 encoded string, and decoded accordingly.

iterable_mode related constants


This is the default setting for iterable_mode: any iterable will be dumped as a JSON array.


This disables the default handling mode (IM_ANY_ITERABLE) of iterable values (with the exception of strings and lists): they won’t be treated in any special way and will raise a TypeError exception when encountered. On the other hand, in this mode they can be managed by a default handler.

mapping_mode related constants


This is the default setting for mapping_mode: any mapping will be dumped as a JSON object.


This disables the default handling mode (MM_ANY_MAPPING) of generic mapping values, they won’t be treated like dicts and will raise a TypeError exception when encountered. On the other hand, in this mode they can be managed by a default handler.


Since JSON objects require that all keys must be of type string, when a mapping contains non-string keys, it will be processed by the default handler if available, otherwise a TypeError exception is raised.

Alternatively, you can use the this option to automatically render such keys as their str() representation.


In this mode, dict keys that are not of a basic type (str, int, float, bool, None) will be skipped instead of raising a TypeError.


Alphabetically order dictionary keys.


exception rapidjson.JSONDecodeError

A subclass of ValueError, raised when trying to parse an invalid JSON, either by Validator objects or by loads() function.

exception rapidjson.ValidationError

Exception raised by Validator objects, a subclass of ValueError.

Its args attribute is a tuple with three string values, respectively the schema keyword that generated the failure, its JSON pointer and a JSON pointer to the error location in the (invalid) document.

write_mode related constants


The default dump mode, without any extra whitespace.


This selects the RapidJSON PrettyWriter, to produce more readable JSON: each array’s item and object’s key will be preceded by a newline, and nested structures will be indented.


This tells the PrettyWriter to emit arrays on a single line, instead of separating items with a newline.